Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Bourjois Color Boost Lip Crayons

Bourjois Color Boost Lip Crayons* From L-R (lip swatches) Peach on the Beach, Orange Punch, Fuchsia Libre, Red Sunrise I'm going to keep this short and sweet because there really is only one main thing you need to know...go get your wallet. Bourjois have been churning out hit after hit and I particularly love their new lip crayons. I hadn't previously cashed in on the chubby lipstick hype and so can't really make comparisons...

Bedtime Beauty

Is there anything more pleasing than getting home, jumping in a hot bath and slipping on a face mask? I like to unwind the minute I step through my front door, bra off, comfy clothes on. I do paint a pretty picture, don't I? Now, I'll be honest I sometimes simply cannot be bothered to carry out the whole evening skincare routine that I know I should but I've been trying my best to at least cleanse my skin properly before bed using...

Sunday, 25 August 2013

The Sunday Post: Pub Lunches & Bank Holiday Blues

You may or may not have noticed that I've been absent online recently, all my posts had been scheduled, and that's because I've been curled up with a sick bucket and my duvet. I hate getting ill, I don't get sick very often but when I do I get very sick and it sort of comes along and crashes into my life causing everything else to come to a bit of a stand still. Not fun. I did get some fresh air the other day and ventured to a...

Saturday, 24 August 2013

All I want is a room somewhere

When Money Supermarket offered me the chance to spruce up a room of my choice with their home improvement challenge I leapt at the chance, I've been trying to fix up my bedroom for months now and that extra £50 really did come in handy, so thank you Money Supermarket!  Having moved back home after graduating from Uni I found my bedroom cluttered with junk with not enough storage to house it all, so I finally took the plunge and...

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

The New Additions: Laura Mercier, Essie, & Bourjois.

I can't go without my Laura Mercier tinted moisturiser but that aside I haven't tried much from the LM Range. I'm excited to get to grips with their foundation primer* in particular. The rosy pink lipstick is also a contender for my everyday work lip wardrobe... When I spotted the Essie Naughty Nautical Summer Collection I knew I had to have it. These have just arrived and I'm already eyeing up 'Full Steam Ahead' the light lilac...

Origins GinZing Duo

It's no secret that Origins are brand that have very much got my vote when it comes to skincare, I've loved every product that I've tried and none have aggravated my sensitive skin as of yet - touch wood that continues. The Origins GinZing range has caught many a beauty bloggers attention, so I had to see what the fuss was all about. I confess I was yet to own an eye cream and so I thought I would firstly branch out and try the GinZing...

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Skincare Spotlight: Jurlique Rose Moisture Plus Range

Jurlique has rapidly wrangled it's way into the heart of my skincare routine, and with my skin in need of a bit of TLC due to its dehydrated state I thought I'd give some bit's from the Rose Moisture Plus range.  The range combines rose water and rose essential oils with an antioxidant complex to provide your skin with tip top hydration and protection from environmental factors, perfect for my skin troubles. I do find the Moisture...

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Ignore the hype: Disappointing Products

We all do it, and by do it I mean get caught up in the beauty blogging hypes. We hear the words 'amazing' and 'have to have' and we get that niggling feeling that makes us want to part with our moo-la, well I used to anyway. This is my first disappointing products post, and that is genuinely because I don't really buy anything I haven't sampled and I tend to agree with most things I do buy. But, sadly that's not the case for these...

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Getting Organised: Fitting It All In

When I suggested as to whether I should put on a 'blog organisation' post the response was overwhelming. It seems lot's of us do have trouble fitting it all in with full time jobs, school or university and even y'know just having a social life it can be hard to find the right balance. Whilst at University I really did take for granted all the spare time I had and looking back I wish I had used it more efficiently, although re-runs...

Monday, 5 August 2013

L'Occitane Lavender Reed Diffuser

I have a bit of a thing for candles and scents that brighten up my bedroom. You might have noticed my candle crush in this post here, but when it comes to Summer and it's hot and it's humid I don't really like to burn candles and that's why reed diffusers become my new best smelling friend. I received a little set from L'Occitane which included the reeds, decanter, and their Lavender Diffuser Perfume Refill*. I hadn't really dabbled...

Sunday, 4 August 2013

The Sunday Post: Summer Shimmer

Matte has been my mate through the years but with the sun shining I thought I'd mix things up and add some shimmer to my everyday look. Dewy, radiant skin is what we all crave during the Summer months and these are few products I've been coveting lately... Special mention goes out to the Becca Shimmering Skin Perfector, applied under my foundation or mixed up together this stuff gives my skin such a lovely healthy sheen. Old...

Friday, 2 August 2013

Postcards from Shoreditch with Warehouse

Tuesday morning I awoke bright and early and hopped on the tube to Shoreditch to meet Abi from Warehouse. The weather had taken a drastic turn for the worst and I was worried I might resemble that of a drowned rat for my shoot with them. You can see my shoot here on the Warehouse Facebook page where I reveal my best kept beauty secrets and my top a/w trends... I had met Abi the night before to pick out some items to make up my...

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