Sunday, 29 September 2013

The Sunday Post: Autumn Evenings & Panic Buying

Dark Grey Boyfriend Coat - New Look Aubergine Silk Top - Zara Skater Skirt - Topshop Buckled Boots - Boohoo I have been a right old busy bee this week dashing around London in my new heel boots to upcoming a/w launches and drinks with work pals, I barely had a moment to myself. That being said Jon and I took it upon ourselves to go for an evening stroll in some local gardens to get a good dose of fresh air and test out my new...

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The Beginners Toolkit: The Bare Necessities

Every now and then and e-mail crops up in my inbox asking what products, brushes, and general beauty bumf I could recommend for those starting out in makeup and wanting to get a basis of their collection. I thought I would start up a mini series that goes over makeup brushes, cosmetic tools, everyday makeup, all starting off today with my bare necessities that can always be found lurking on my person. Tools wise, brushes are...

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

A Foundation Fav? Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk

I've recently become somewhat of a foundation fiend, long gone are the days where I would stock pile my favourite drugstore L'Oreal Lumi Magique like there was going to be an apocalypse. Despite being a hoarder of all things cosmetic, I was never really tempted to try a high end foundation scared off by the price tag when I was already quite content with my cheaper alternative. However, I began to realise that different formula's were...

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Autumn Wardrobe: Back to Basics

Last weekend I decided to have a bit of a wardrobe cull, the bin bags were whipped out and any salvageable's donated to charity. In total three bin bags worth of old, unwanted, and those items that you always say you will wear but never do, were filled to brim and cleared out.  Now, the hunt for some new autumnal staples could begin... I noticed whilst sorting through my wardrobe that I had a distinct lack of 'basics'...

The Sunday Post: Triple Threat Facial

Sunday's mean only one thing at LR HQ, pampering. I like to spend my Sunday getting lot's of blog posts drafted whilst sporting a face mask and munching on an assortment of berry fruits. Every now and then my skin feels more congested than usual and that's when I know it's time to call out the big guns and the triple threat facial steps in... Recently I've been favouring the following trio to banish pesky blemishes whilst also injecting...

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Sponsored Video: Joop! Miss Wild Perfume

Joop! have launched a counterpart to Joop! Homme Wild with their new Joop! Miss Wild Perfume. A fresh floral fragrance with notes of vanilla, spicy bursts of pink pepper, and sexy base notes of rum this fragrance is not for the light hearted. The rum notes are perfect for an autumnal evening and the clash of   the milder floral notes and spicier undertones work well together without being too overpowering.  Matching its...

Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Repurchase Roster

I'm guilty of splashing my cash on the latest cosmetic releases, and always wanting to try new products out but today's post is a celebration of those staple products that always find their way back in to my shopping basket. Now, the Naked eyeshadows palettes can be found in many a makeup hoard and these babies truly do last forever. However, I reach for the Naked 2 pretty much every single day and some of my favourite shades such...

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

New In: NARS Fall 2013 Color Collection

Autumn has to be my favourite season. The Fashion. The cosy nights in. Oh, and a/w makeup collections. NARS are one of those brands that never fail to make me 'ooh!' over their new releases. I have a few items from their latest Fall Color Collection which have wet my appetite for plum lips and metallic eyes. Their Pure Matte Lipsticks in La Paz* and Peloponnese* caught my eye the most, however they are not as matte as I would like....

Monday, 16 September 2013

Hospital Beds & Cabin Fever...

Those with a shrewd eye will have noticed how absent I've been from pretty much every form of social media as of late. I've had lot's of lovely messages and tweets, which really cheered me up as I've been stuck in my bedroom watching re-runs of One Tree Hill and nursing a hot water bottle pretty much all day, every day for nigh on ten days now. Not so fun.  I've been having issues with my thyroid on and off this Summer and...

Sunday, 1 September 2013

At Home: My Dressing Table

Instead of the usual 'The Sunday Post' today I thought I'd kick start my At Home with Little Red series with my most requested post, my dressing table. I get a lot of questions asking where my dressing table is from - it's from Dunelm Mill and comes with a matching stool - bargain. My mum bought this for me for my 21st birthday and I couldn't take my eyes off of it for the first few weeks that it settled itself into my bedroom....

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