Sunday, 28 July 2013

The Sunday Post: The Lazy Weekend

Isn't it nice to just take a step back, put things to one side, and y'know just breathe once in a while? I've had one of those weekends where I haven't spent the whole day rushing around getting blog posts sorted or making plans with friends. This weekend I've been quite content to just relax, enjoy doing nothing, and see where the day takes me. Long strolls, pub lunches, and early nights tucked up watching Dexter, pure bliss. My...

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Bumble & Bumble Quenching Range

I've been having a bit of a love affair with Bumble & Bumble for quite some time, so when I saw their 'Quenching' Range I knew I had to give it a go. My hair type is a bit of an odd ball, is it greasy? No. Is it bone dry? No. It's a sort of go between with my ends sometimes in great need of moisture and life being pumped into them. That's where the Quenching Range* comes in. At first I was slightly sceptical, I've tried an...

Monday, 22 July 2013

Summer Face: Clarins Bronzing Duo

If you're fair skinned like me you may struggle to find a bronzer that doesn't leave your skin looking muddy, shimmer tastic or something resembling an oompa loompa. I've had an on off relationship with NARS Laguna Bronzer which is passable with a really light dusting but I think I've found my go to bronzer in the shape of Clarins Bronzing Duo* in the shade light. Not only does this duo produce a healthy sheen to my skin...

Sunday, 21 July 2013

The Sunday Post: An All American Night In

  This post is a belated Happy 4th of July to all those American's celebrating Independence Day. My friends and I marked the occasion with the helping hand of Domino's who provided us with a box of American goodies and, of course, pizza.  The boyfriend and I set to work littering the garden with all things USA, accompanied by nibbles before wolfing down pizza with a glug of Bulmers Red Berries and Lime. Perfect....

Saturday, 20 July 2013

I got this feeling on the summer day when you were gone

The not-so English sunny weather we've been graced with recently provides the perfect excuse to get snap happy. The boyfriend and I prefer a stroll to are local fields and footpaths, normally armed with a picnic and SPF as we're such pale children. The other week I was browsing the rails of Zara, as I do many a time on the hunt for a new gem to add to my already busty wardrobe, when I spotted this navy blue playsuit. I knew I...

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Jurlique Fruit Enzyme Exfoliator

I know, I know, two skincare posts in a row, but I promise this one's a corker. I've tried a few products from the Jurlique range recently but their Fruit Enzyme Exfoliator* has to be the stand out product of the bunch. Containing natural fruit enzymes and native Australian extracts such as Quandong, Nettle Lime, and Wattle Seed (did you say those in an Aussie accent too?) with extract of witch hazel. This concoction all adds up...

Monday, 15 July 2013

Elemis Fresh Skin Discovery Kit

One of my most asked questions has to be about skincare recommendations, and skincare on a budget so today I'm going to introduce you to a great skincare starter set. Skincare is incredibly personal and that's why I really love starter sets and samples so you can examine a range without pulling too much at your pursestrings. They are also great for when you're travelling and need everything a bit more micro sized and manageable.  The...

Sunday, 14 July 2013

The Sunday Post: Share the Love

I'm always on the hunt for some new reading material and blogs are no exception, I love discovering a new blog and then spending hours scouring through past posts, don't you? Whilst I've been sat out in the garden, the sun beaming down on to my ghostly pins, and with an ice cold san pellegrino in hand I've been jotting down a few of my favourite reads of late. I've tried not to mention blogs that I gush about a lot on here,  some...

Saturday, 13 July 2013

The New Additions: Clarins, Jurlique, and Bumble & Bumble

I always love having a nose at upcoming releases from beauty brands, and adding lot's of new items to my lust list on many occasions, and this inspired me to start up a regular feature 'The New Additions' so you guys can get a sneak peek of what's coming up next on LR. I'm not going to go into too much detail as the jury is still out on all these products as they have only received made their way to LR HQ, but like a haul post you...

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Origins Never A Dull Moment Face Polish

Origins never fail to disappoint in my book, and their Never A Dull Moment Face Polish was no exception. Jam packed with papaya extract and mixed together with finely ground mango and apricot, you can see one of the reasons I love the stuff, it smells divine. Like their Drink Up Intensive Mask which is another, NADM smells good enough to eat. I wouldn't recommend doing that though.. When applying this I do feel that marmalade like...

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

A Blimey! & a Thank You #CosmoBlogAwards

Well if you follow me on twitter you probably know that this little ol' blog of mine has only gone and been shortlisted for 'Best New Beauty Blog' in the Cosmo Blog Awards. Blimey! I did get choked up, quite literally on the cookie I had been devouring when I heard the news. But seriously, I am still stunned to be up there with so many amazing blogs that have been featured, as well as finding great new reads. I do work my little...

Monday, 8 July 2013

Micellar Waters & Mists

Twelve months back and I would have laughed off a purchase of Micellar Cleansing Waters as a waste of money, glorified water if you will. Fast forward to today and I would tell you, you couldn't have been more wrong, Lauren. I know lot's of people tend to think of Bioderma when talk of micellar water crops up, and I do love the stuff but I thought I would run you through some cheaper and more easily accessible options that I've...

Sunday, 7 July 2013

The Sunday Post: The One Where I Graduate

On Thursday the 4th of July, I officially left the world of education and graduated in sunny Reading. Earlier in the week I posted a What I Wore, which you can take a gander at, I was really pleased with my last minute grad dress purchase, what do you think? I also finally got my hair cut and spruced up for the occasion, and my oh my does it feel and look ten times better than the scraggly mop it was before. The weather held out,...

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Beauty Spotlight: VICHY

I have a bit of a soft spot for Vichy and when I recently received their new BB Cream in the post I thought a  Vichy Lovin' post was due.  I have overly praised the Vichy Idealia Pro Deep Corrector* (review here) back in November last year, and it's still a firm favourite in my skincare stash. For tackling unsightly pink scarring left over from my acne day's this product, in conjunction with the rest of my skincare line...

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