Tuesday, 30 April 2013

The Spring Beauty Edit

Spring happens to be my favourite season, for one I'm an April baby, two it's a happy medium between too hot and too cold, and three has to be my spring time make-up stash... Spring time marks the transition from autumnal plums to perky pastel shades, and I'm particularly loving the new scented pastel collection from Models Own. I spent a good ten minutes or so perusing the Models Own counter in boots just scratchin' n' sniffin'...

Monday, 29 April 2013

remember the little things

Sometimes we forget to take a step back and appreciate the little things in life, I mean hey, it's easily done. With all our ongoing 'dramas' whether it be school, university, or work, life has a way of keeping us all on our toes at one point or another. My great nan used to always say, "Lauren, don't forget the little things in life" - at the time this was just something I nodded at, and back then my main problems in life was that my pack...

Sunday, 28 April 2013

The Sunday Post: Dungaree's and Dissertation's

Sheer White Blouse - H&M Denim Dungaree's - Topshop Wishbone Above Knuckle Ring - The Bohemian Collective* Rose Gold Watch - Michael Kors* I'd just like to start this post with a massive HELL YEAH, my dissertation is done and dusted. I can't even express in words how happy, relieved, and proud this makes me all at one time. In true Lauren style I left a big chunk of it to be done at the last minute, I know I work better...

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Coral Lovin': Head Over Heels Cream Blush

TopShop Cream Blush in 'Head Over Heels'  The sun appears to be rearing its very welcome head and in turn my summer make up stash is finding its way to the front of my collection, and out from the dust ridden (joke!) depths. Whilst I was re-arranging my makeup ready for the sunnier months, I stumbled upon this old topshop gem that was yet to even be swatched, and I just had to try it out. I'm a massive fan of the...

Thursday, 18 April 2013

twenty one

I thought I'd pop up a few snaps from my 21st birthday which was yesterday. I still can't believe I'm twenty one, I still think I'm in my teens most of the time! I had a wonderful day and was throughly spoilt this year, I am a very lucky girl and I hope my friends and family know how much I love them. As always, I woke up VERY early, eager to make the most of the day as Jon had taken the day off to take me to Westfields. I was extremely...

Sunday, 7 April 2013

lily lulu

Shift Style Faux Leather Peter Pan Collar Dress - Lily Lulu* You know when you see that dress online or in a store and you just have to have it? That's what happened when I spotted this sixties inspired number by Lily Lulu Boutique. Bang on the monochrome trend, I opted for the dress in white instead of the black which would have been inside my comfort zone. I felt transported back to the times of Twiggy and Edie Sedgwick and...

Saturday, 6 April 2013

mr. blue sky

lace collar top - topshop rita trousers - monki konnie cage cut out sandals - topshop Today has been b-e-a-utiful! Spring cleaning done all that was left to do was to bask in the sunshine, finally. Me and Jon made a little picnic and sat watching the Arsenal game in my garden. My house backs on to a farmers field which is also used a public footpath where everyone takes their dogs to walk by the local horse fields, it really...

Monday, 1 April 2013

Easter Weekend Edition: Weekly Peek

This Easter Weekend has just flown by, and I've had such a lovely time. On Saturday night me and my friends headed up to Camden for a bar crawl and ended up bumping into my childhood best friend who was out celebrating her birthday. Me and Jon ended up joining her  later that evening to continue the merriment, and let's face it one too many jager bombs - sorry, Liver. As you can probably imagine Easter Sunday was spent mostly...

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