Saturday, 30 March 2013

and the walls kept tumbling down, in the city that we love

Dream Catcher Dress* - Mina UK I thought I'd sport a more colourful number to brighten up the rainy/snowy Easter Weekend most of us in the UK are suffering with at the moment. I'm determined to get into a more spring like mood and have swapped my PJ's for this beautiful Dream Catcher Dress* from Mina UK. It's floaty, it's bright, and the aztec inspired pattern that runs down the front and around the sleeves just screams to...

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

beauty on a budget: current hair heroes

My hair is often an issue for debate, sometimes I absolutely adore having such a unique shade, the length and how it dries naturally quite straight, but then other times it is my main source of detestation. Lack of volume, split ends up to my ears (slight exaggeration), dry with no style to it whatsoever. I can't, however, afford to pay for top hair treatments and remedies so I've compiled a list of products you can use if you're on...

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Giveaway: MAC Archie's Girls Flatter Me Face Powder & Betty Bright Lipstick

Quite a while back I reached 1,000 GFC followers which was a massive but pleasant shock for me. I did intend to do a drug store favourites giveaway but when the MAC Archie's Girls Limited Edition Range popped up I picked up extra's of my favourite products from the range. I absolutely adore the coral Betty Bright Lipstick and the Pearlmatte face powder in Flatter Me is my favourite item from the range. I loved both so much I picked...

Beauty Bargain: Dainty Doll Cosmetics

Dainty Doll cosmetics have been high up on my want list for quite some time but after many occasions perusing their stand in Boots I was yet to purchase anything. For those of you that haven't heard much about the brand Dainty Doll is the brainchild of Girls Aloud star, Nicola Roberts. Nicola is known in recent years for her fiery locks and ghostly skin, as well as an impeccable sense of style if I must say so myself. If you're pale...

Monday, 18 March 2013

New In: Homely Treasures

Ceramic Owl Money Box - Gifts & Pieces, Shabby Chic Floral Edge Chalk Board - E-bay, Red Floral Home Cushion - Gifts & Pieces, Stopped for Tea Framed Print - Gifts & Pieces Home Decor posts have fast become so of my favourites to read, I love having a good old nose at how people decorate their bedrooms in particular. I'm always looking for inspiration for my own room as well as compiling dreamy wishlists for when...

Friday, 15 March 2013

Go On, Tuck In!

I recently made a sweet jar as a little gift for my Dad who shares my sweet tooth. It really didn't take too long before the whole thing was devoured and these sweet jars are a cute and cheap way of showing someone your love. The jar cost around 80p from Ikea and the sweets are made up of an assortment of sugary favourites such as strawberry laces, refreshers, love hearts and gummy treats. Perfect for a cosy night in snack for you...

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Where have you been?

I hope this post doesn't come across too pretentious with the 'where have you been?' title but I did get a few e-mails/tweets asking why I hadn't blogged much recently or if I was giving up on this blog. The answer is a very firm no. I have recently cut myself off from all things social media with my usual hundred tweets a day becoming a very sparse one or two every couple of weeks as well as not even venturing on to facebook or catching...

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