Tuesday, 29 January 2013

MAC Up the Amp

MAC Up the Amp Lipstick £14* Another day. Another post. Another MAC Lipstick. My dad recently jetted off to NYC with his girlfriend and offered to pick me up some bits from Sephora & MAC as late Christmas presents. I was unbelievably overwhelmed with the package of cosmetic treats they brought back for me and would like to take the time to say a MASSIVE thank you to both him and his girlfriend, Julie ( I know you're reading...

Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush in Exposed

Tarte Amazonian Clay 12 Hour Blush in Exposed  $26* It's no secret, Blushes, in all shapes and forms, are my weakness. I am obsessed to say the least. My blush drawer has to be my most coveted and I often find myself playing around perusing through and ooh-ing over how pretty they are, does that make me weird?  Tarte Amazonian Clay Blushes have been on my wishlist for quite some time and I've been even more desperate...

Sunday, 27 January 2013

MAC Angel

MAC Angel Lipstick £14 I asked for MAC Lipstick recommendations on a recent #bbloggers chat and almost immediately I found my interactions clogged up with the same name appearing again and again, MAC Angel. I've swatched Angel many times when browsing the store but never purchased up until three weeks ago when I decided that enough was enough and it was time to whack out the plastic. I'm so glad I did. MAC Angel is that...

Thursday, 24 January 2013

lush - shimmy shimmy massage bar

Lush Shimmy Shimmy Massage Bar* £4.25 Needing that little extra sparkle in your life? Lush may just have the answer for you. Let me warn you Lush's Shimmy Shimmy Massage Bar is not for the faint hearted, we're talking glitter that could rival that of Edward Cullen in daylight. Yes, I did just slip a corny twilight reference in there, tragic, I know. I'm not talking in your face primary school disco glittertastic-ness...

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A Few Changes..

I have been a bit disheartened when it has come to blogging recently. Do you ever get that feeling that it's just not going how you want it to and you wish you could start from scratch? Well I have. My blog does mean a lot to me and I wouldn't want to get rid of all the work and love that has already been put into it but Little Red was due a makeover and here are the results... I wanted something more simplistic, more professional and...

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Weekly Peek #1

001: Helloooo! I thought I'd start up a new weekly feature named 'Weekly Peek' which is basically highly similar to old Sunday Session catch up posts but without the restriction of only posting that sort of post on a Sunday. I was terrible at keeping up with my Sunday Session posts namely because Sunday is a day of relaxation and crappy weekend tv for me. I do hope to regulate this feature, an peek into my life that week, more so on...

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

MAC Guilty Passion Nicely Nude Lip Gloss Set

MAC Nicely Nude Lip Gloss Set* Lip Gloss shown on me: Fashion Whim, Kiss Don't Tell Firstly, let me apologise for not putting up pictures of me wearing all four lip glosses but let me tell you I did take some and they were not a pretty sight. I think it was because of my lack of energy after returning home from London where I had an interview for a Summer internship, fingers crossed people! The packaging is an all round...

Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Weekend Post: Banishing Blemishes

 REN Invisible Pores Detox Mask, REN Clear Calm 3 Clarifying Clay Cleanser*, Origins Super Spot Remover The majority of us have all had our fair share of blemish battles with some of us raging onto near full on warfare when it comes to the not so welcome little pustules...lavley image I'm conjuring up there isn't it? Throughout my teen years I was deemed one of the unfortunate souls that just couldn't get rid of spots no matter...

Friday, 4 January 2013

2013 be kind to me

I'm not really one for making resolutions, I never keep to them and setting the usual 'go the gym' or 'budget my money more' doesn't really cut it for me. I guess I feel like if I set it in stone so to speak then everything becomes forced and an obligation which causes me to panic when I don't stick by it rigidly and I just end up feeling a bit poop! So, this year I have decided to make a list of things I'd love to achieve that...

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Candle Crush

Cold nights call for an assortment of pick me ups, the standard hot water bottle, fluffy slipper socks, a onesie thrown in the mix but, for me, to complete mission 'get snug' I always have a scented candle or two burning... Whilst some fall head over heels for a mug of hot chocolate and a bubble bath, my festive crush is candles. I absolutely love the affect a flame can create when cosying up in bed with a good book or a Made In Chelsea...

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