Thursday, 28 June 2012

Friday's fiction

Books let us into their souls and lay open to us the secrets of our own.  ~William Hazlitt I thought I'd add another feature to my blog alliteratively named 'Friday's Fiction', from either the title or the image above I presume you more than likely have guessed that this isn't my usual beauty or fashion related post but instead something far closer to my heart, reading. Ever since I was a little girl you could always find...

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

my top high street sale picks

Despite not having the money needed to on a massive sale shopping spree I have been repeatedly filling up virtual shopping baskets with my very nearly irresistible sale choices. I did snap up a few cheeky items but had to resist furthur temptation by clicking the the close tab button and compiling this blog post for yours truly instead  - enjoy! Sparkle Knot Front Tunic £24  £12 , Palm Print Playsuit £37 £20,...

Monday, 25 June 2012

MAC Costa Chic

MAC Costa Chic £13.50 Lipsticks are an obsession of mine, never feeling completely myself and presentable without a slick of colour upon my lips, and so over time I have accumulated quite the little collection most of which are either red or coral toned. Coral lipsticks are my go to shades for spring and summer and I think compliment my colouring far better than any bubblegum pink could; I tend to steer well clear...

Thursday, 21 June 2012

skulls and lycra

loose knit jumper - asos leggings (disco pants) - american apparel  flatforms - h&m After yesterday's bout of glorious sunshine I did get my hopes up that the weather may be turning for the better once again, foolish me. It rained. No, it poured. Luckily I live in jumpers and the autumn and winter months are preferable to me over spring and summer as I love bit snug knitted jumpers and layering. I found this loose...

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

the animals went in two by two

denim boyfriend shirt - asos plain black vest - miss selfridge shorts - asos necklace and ring - freedom jewellery via topshop nails - french manicure lips - mac costa chic I was a wee bit naughty, yet again, and found myself browsing the asos website the other night for a few bits to spruce up my summer wardrobe. For any of you that know me, or follow me on twitter you will know that I'm quite the night owl, aka a very...

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

want: high end make up bag

001 NARS Sheer Glow Foundation in Siberia £29.50 - 002. NARS Miss Liberty Highlighting Blush Powder £21.00 - 003. Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler £20.00 - 004. MAC Naked Lunch Eyeshadow (also lusting after Ricepaper, Shroom, Woodwined, and Coppering) £12 - 005. Benefit Porefessional Primer £19.58 (Usually £23.50) - 006. NARS Bolero Velvet Matte Lip Pencil £17.50 - 007. Bobbi...

Monday, 18 June 2012

I cannot get enough of...

1. I've recently become so addicted to this programme, another trashy America drama suits me just fine and this one really does pack a punch, pardon the pun. I really love the whole plot and history of this series and have found myself watching three episodes in a row without a thought or care in the world besides who is next on 'Emily Thorne''s list to revenge... 2. This post highlights just how much crappy tv I do watch as I've...

Friday, 15 June 2012

Gel Nails - an indulgent treat

Normally I hate my nails, I've been a biter ever since I can remember always owning a set of stubby, grubby bitten down nails that even a sparkly Barry M Nail Paint couldn't revive into any form of attractiveness. I've tried all sorts of nail biting deterrents, I even grew quite accustomed to the bitter taste that was meant to repel me from gnawing on my barely there nails - strange I know. I've been feeling a little down in the dumps...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Sunday Session #8

Standard Pub Grub// Jubilee Spirit//Kindle//Cheeky Nando's Takeaway//Facemasks!//Homemade cakes//2 for £3 just had to!//Wine time in the garden//Off to central with my honeys <3 This week I headed off to Southgate in North London to stay with my housemate before she heads off for an enviable summer in China travelling! We had such an amazing time heading off to Tiger Tiger! and then to Rumba where we bumped into BGT Winner George...

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Amazon Kindle 4

You might have heard me harp on a bit recently about my newly purchased Amazon Kindle, I thought as an English Literature major that I could justify parting with £84 as an investment and I haven't been dissapointed yet. I thought I would write up a quick review for you about my experience so far with the Kindle and a summarized review that hopefully will be helpful to any of you looking to buy one for yourselves. I know this...

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

May Favourites

This post is in video form again this month. I couldn't quite believe how quickly this May went as it seems only a few days ago I was uploading my April favourites. There's nothing too new within this months favourites as I've found myself reaching for older more unloved products in order to give them some proper use instead of constantly buying new things! P.s. this video is for my friend Ellie who misses my face when she's at university ;) Bloglovin'//Twitter//HelloCotto...

Sunday, 3 June 2012

Sunday Session #7

April Favs//RIP Rocky :(//Shameless Posing//AA Disco Pants ready for Forum//Baskin & Robbins makes my day//Housemates <3//Loving Life in our Pool somewhat drunk//BBQ!//Treats from Boots//Jedi time! on Kinect//Handbag Love @ Zara//Brush Cleaning Time//This show makes my evenings - Phil Dunphy <3//|Cocktails @TGI's//Aunties 40th Outfit! This is a bit of a compilation of the past two weeks which has been filled with laughter,...

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